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Amanda's Fun Books For Kids

The Little Fox - Chapter Two - Meeting Mary

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Little Fox
The Preview

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Little Fox 2

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Little Fox 4

Little Fox 5

Little Fox 6

Little Fox 7

Little Fox 8

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Little Fox Preview


The Little Fox
Made by: Amanda 3-6-2004

One day  timothy was frolicking in the beautiful flowers  in the meadow.  Then he heard two things running.  then out of the forest came running a hunter chasing a girl fox and she was wearing a collar that meant  she was a tamed fox.  after the hunter found out she was wearing a collar he left.  then timothy ran as fast as his little legs could carry him to her and it was love at first sight!  he ask if she wanted to go out for dinner and she said yes.  they went to WORLD Wide FOX Food and since he was a friend of the owner he got free food.  after they had eaten  he asked her "what's your name".  "marry is my name" SHE SAID. "my name is timothy may I take you home" HE SAID, then he took her BACK TO HER home.  After breakfast  he ran to Mary's house without thinking about her owner patty .  When he scratched on the  door patty opened it and she looked down and she said by mistake he was a cute girl   plus she said that "I will dress you in a cute little dress" but when she looked at his collar she said "oops you are a boy not a girl" and she put him outside s0 he went home.  Then he started to miss marry then he went to her house and picked her up.  


Little Fox 3


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